XingSheng Sling Belt Group manufacture One Way Use Webbing Sling,Single Use Endless Webbing Slings,Disposable One Way Slings,Single Use Lifting Sling.

disposable one way slings or single use slings, which are suitable for loading and off-loading at the final destination, where the customer will then use their own slings. Like our full range of lifting slings, these single use examples can be made to order.
Whatever length, configuration or end termination accessories you require, we can create a sling that ticks all the boxes
Because we make disposable slings according to the unique specifications requested by our customers, there is almost no limit to the variety of single use lifting products we can produce. If you want a sling of a specific width or length, you need only ask. If you want a sling which has a pattern stitched into it to indicate its safe working load, this is an option. Labels can be added to provide more information about the capabilities of and restrictions relating to a given sling. Another decision you will have to make when ordering disposable one way slings from us is the material used. We offer both polypropylene and polyester slings, with either one of these synthetic fibres providing exceptional strength and durability, especially when compared with natural equivalents. They will not be compromised by mildew or succumb to the kind of wear and tear you might expect in lifting operations.